Parking Stacking System Responsibility

Who is responsible for the costs associated with maintaining, repairing, and inspecting your association's parking stacking system.

When it comes to the responsibility for the costs associated with the maintenance, repair, and inspection of your Association's parking stacking system, you must refer to your condominium docs to determine if the stacking system is owned and maintained by the Condominium Association or the individual parking space owners.

You can find your condominium docs in your owner portal on AppFolio

  • If the stacking system is owned and maintained by the Condominium Association, all costs are fully shared costs regardless of if the spots are surface or stacker. All owners share equally in the repair costs.
    • If there is a parking budget with parking fees, the stacker system maintenance and repairs should be shared equally by all parking space owners; again, regardless of if parking space owners have a stacked space or not.
    • If there is not a parking budget with parking fees, the stacker system maintenance and repairs should be shared equally by all condominium owners; regardless of if owners have a surface parking spot, stacked spot, or no spot at all. If your condo docs don't specify a garage budget, the stacking system is no different from the roof, elevator, etc. as a shared common element. 
  • If the stacking system is owned by the parking space owners then all costs for repairs, maintenance, and state inspections shall be borne by the owners of those spaces. The Condominium Association will contract with a licensed elevator/stacker service but parking stacker owners are responsible for contacting the elevator/stacker service company directly for service.
    • If the repairs affect only one stacker, those are the responsibility of that stacker space owner.
    • If the repair affects multiple stacker space owners, all those owners share in the cost.
    • The Condominium Association will arrange for the annual state inspection and test and will bill the cost back to the individual stacker space owners.

Again, we recommend you review your condominium docs to determine whether or not your Association's parking stacking system is owned by the Condominium Association or the parking space owners.